Thursday, April 22, 2010

Munch me happy

Too many people suffer from depression, especially during winter. And while the woolly months feel like the perfect time to indulge in not-so-great comfort food and vino rosso, you're more likely to smile your way through the grey days if you make whole foods your friends. They can be superbly comforting too. And, of course, a glass of vino on the side won't hurt... (but a bottle might).

* A sizeable five year study in the UK looked at 3,500 people and found that those with a diet high in processed meat, fried foods, sweet desserts and refined grains (white bread, sugar-packed cereals, etc) had a substantial 58% greater risk of depression.

* On the other hand, people who ate plenty of whole foods - especially vegetables, fruits and fish - had a 26% lower risk of developing depression.

Look after your brain, strengthen your muscles, keep your skin looking younger, your weight under control and brighten your bushy tail by cooking most of your own food at home with whole, fresh ingredients... it's worth it in the short and long run.

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