Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Future self, love sounds

I don't think I'm particularly wise, but I like to think I have a wiser self. When I get caught up in bills and a packed diary and an unraveling wardrobe and petty things that really shouldn't annoy me but do to the core... I sit back and wonder what advice I would give myself if I were ten years older. Usually the dialogue remains the same, but it's a good reminder of what's important...

* forgive quickly and tell people you love them
* book yourself in for a massage, you totally deserve it
* the TV isn't doing you good every night, light a candle or seven and get lost in an inspiring book
* money never, ever brought anyone happiness, get creative with what you've got
* your wellbeing is more important than anything else... sleep in if you need it, meditate every day and laugh like crazy
* buy yourself flowers every week
* trust your instinct; it's always, always bang on
* call your mother

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