Friday, June 11, 2010

Thirteen ideas for three days

Who's excited?? A lush, long weekend to devour is coming right up. I'm sure you've all got a million people to see, things to do, stuff to BBQ... but just in case you need more, here's 13 things to do betwixt here and Monday.

* Go to your favourite cafe, wait ages for a table and order too much food and a bowl of coffee with newspapers and magazines. It's always worth the wait when you know the food rocks.
* Take your camera out somewhere lovely and snap off a bunch of random pics. Just because.
* Start a blog. If you don't like it in two months you can forget about it or start another, at least you gave it a shot and fired up your imagination.
* Forget the snags and cook something delicious and good for you - like an organic duck or chicken, covered with spices and served with a green salad, sourdough bread and homemade aioli. (Need help? Go to Gourmet Traveller)
* Strap your trampers on and get some fresh air. There's no better time of year for a bushwalk. Head here first.
* Clean the windows of your house. Just kidding, that can totally wait.
* Join your local library and borrow a pile of books. It's free (or extremely cheap) and a great distraction from the tube.
* Head to the fish markets, stock up on your fave, fresh amigos of the sea and make something special. Like a pot of spaghetti with chilli, basil, lemon, olives, fish, mussels, prawns... I'm so there.
* Splash out on an extraordinary bottle of red. You'll savour every single sip and (probably) won't want to get trashy and ruin the vibe.
* Find a hidden gallery or four and mooch about.
* Make pancakes. Smother with banana and maple syrup. Polish off while making a mess. Repeat.
* Hire a few DVD classics like Casablanca, Breakfast at Tiffany's and Kill Bill. Classics.
* Head to the country for markets, scones, tea and a reminder of what real hospitality looks like.

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