Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunny with a chance of opinionatedness

I love how I respond differently to colours as I grow up. At the moment I'm in love with lemon yellow and jacaranda purple... in small doses. Bright colours don't interest me much and I hardly wear all black like I used to in my emo 20's. Now I'm wondering if that means something deep and interesting or if it simply means I like a bit of yellow here and there. Well my amigos, look in your wardrobe, paintbox and eyeshadow quads, for this is what's doing with your fave colours...

Red is all about the love... and stress. It's associated with power, passion, energy, vitality, aggression, courage and impulsiveness. It can help heal depression, fear, lack of confidence and poor circulation.

Orange is warm... and brings joy, wisdom, spontaneity, sensuality, humour and possibly superficiality. It alleviates sadness, boredom, low vitality, indigestion and joint pains.

Yellow is cheery... it's intelligent, innovative (well looky here how clever I am), sociable, lighthearted (check!), opinionated (erm...), evasive (really?) and critical (oh). It promotes mental stimulation, clears a foggy head, improves skin and helps with writer's block (AHA!).

Green is a bit jealous... but also wealthy, compassionate, balancing and refreshes the spirit. It can be jaded (get it?), envious and bitter, but helps with headaches, flu, claustrophobia and spite.

Blue is cool as... and calming, loyal, sincere, harmonious and responsible but also cold, manipulative and withdrawn. It soothes high blood pressure, cuts, burns, timidity and distrust.

Indigo is truthful... wise, inspired and will heal, connect you with the spirit and your intuition (same same). It's also arrogant, deluded and isolated. It'll ease insomnia, nerves, paranoia and obsession.

Violet is serene... artistic, spiritual, independent, perfectionist, self-destructive and a bit fanatical. It calms the mind and nerves, improves faith, relieves headaches, despair and loss of self-respect.

Colour me happy...

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