Monday, January 18, 2010

The cold and the beautiful

There aren't many guarantees when travelling through South-East Asia... except hot, balmy weather and fresh coconut water, two glorious exceptions. I've always enjoyed using coconut products in cooking, and I keep on discovering more and more healthy reasons to throw them around the kitchen a bit more! Here's a few faves...

* Coconut water is a natural isotonic drink, keeping you cool and super hydrated, its anti-bacterial properties keep you in good health and there's loads of vitamin C. Drink on its own or use to marinate prawns or dress fish.

* Coconut milk might be a saturated fat, but it doesn't turn into bad cholesterol in the body. Instead, it turns into energy, plus it contains potassium and calcium. Splash it all over your muesli in the morning or poach chicken in it with lots of coriander.

* Coconut oil (buy the virgin variety) accelerates the body's metabolism, helps with enzyme and thyroid function, boosts the immune system and may aid in reducing symptoms of diabetes and cystic fibrosis. Use it to fry - it has a high smoking point so it's structure won't change.

Now all I need is a sledgehammer to open them up and I'll be right! Yummers...

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