Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It was just mint to be

My vegie garden isn't going so great. Thankfully, it's the condition of the soil (to be sorted this weekend), not my quasi-negligent ways (to be fair, I didn't just water them, I talked to those seedlings). The tomatoes are the only thing going nuts, though we did manage to sprout a few beans.

After scoring a handful of big blue pots on eBay, I went crazy planting herbs, which have thrived, much to my relief. At the moment I have rosemary, coriander, parsley, chives, oregano, basil and mint. Oh, how I love mint: easy to grow, deliciously aromatic and a more than a little pretty. However, I'm super happy I planted it in a pot, as it looks set to take over its corner of the world.

Well known as a breath-freshener and subtle energy booster, mint is also helps the digestive process, calms indigestion, relieves nausea and cold/flu congestion and reduces the levels of toxins, bacteria and fungus in the body. Here's a few of my fave recipes:

* Tear a few mint leaves in half, place in a mug with a squeeze of lemon juice and teaspoon of manuka honey, fill with boiling water. Best way to start the day. You can also add fresh ginger and lime zest.
* Make a fresh juice of pineapple, rockmelon and mint.
* Mix mint with natural yoghurt, lemon juice and diced cucumber. Serve with curries or Greek lamb.
* Make a salad of rocket, goats cheese, pine nuts, cherry tomatoes, parsley and mint.
* Mix mint through fresh raspberries and eat at roughly the same time as dark chocolate or caramel.
* Add to a risotto of asparagus and peas with a bit of lemon zest and parmesan.
* Throw a few into fresh spring rolls with avocado, carrot, rice noodles and chilli.

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