Thursday, January 21, 2010

Early bird catches the zzzzz

I'm officially used to 6am. I like it. It's the best time of the day. But I'm also enjoying tennis season, and watching our fit aussie battlers going great, or not so great, guns until the wee hours. So that leaves me with a lot of time awake. I could be using these hours rigorously, diligently, ticking and crossing things off the to-do list, but, alas, I'm left tired and soggy. Not so good with so much work on.

This week I discovered the perfect solution. Naps. I've never been a fan - I find it way too hard to recover enough to enjoy the rest of the day/night. And between you, me and the bolster pillow, I think I'm scarred by Gran, she might have said something once about how I needed it when I was miserable. Ok I was eight, and miserable, but we all know how that went. Issues aside, I am now a convert. I don't crash out every day, but every so often I'll curl up and be gone for 30 minutes. It takes me a cup of tea and a hefty slap to get back with it, but then I'm grand. Just grand.

In a napshell, studies have shown that a power nap - 20 minutes of shut eye - can reduce stress, boost patience, improve reaction time, better efficiency and alertness (think less road accidents) and lessen crankypants syndrome. However, naps are only recommended for those who are sleeping less than eight hours a night. Yes ma'am, that's moi.

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