Thursday, February 25, 2010

The science of nom

I hate diets. I haven't been on one since I was 20. I think they're a waste of time at best and harmful at worst. Recently I went on a detox for four months - no alcohol or coffee, minimal sugar and processed foods, organic meat, fruit and veg, and other lifestyle changes to get rid of toxins. It was an old-school detox, not a mod-detox* where you skip chocolate or whiskey for a week. I felt amazing, and thankfully a lot of the habits have stuck around. I haven't gained any weight since I stopped in December (hoorah!) and I still have great energy levels.

I used to eat three big meals a day, which never really agreed with me. I now eat three smaller main meals and healthy snacks in between to keep the metabolism - and energy - up and raring. I use a smaller bowl (laugh if you will amigo, but it works!), and eat slower. I still watch TV sometimes with dinner, but I try and be mindful of eating at the same time.

Last month a Greek study found that when you eat slowly, you actually consume less calories than if you threw it down the hatch. Our clever body releases more hormones that tell you you're full when you nibble away... if you gorge it just doesn't have the chance. So if it's weight loss you need, choose healthy organic food, serve it in a smaller bowl, and eat slowly. If you're still hungry after 30 minutes feel free to have a little more but pacing yourself through the day is a good idea. If I do say so myself.

*I think it's great to take a week here and there off coffee, alcohol or caramel slices, but in order for it to really impact your health you need to do it once every month or two. A good habit doesn't just come along once a year!

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